VARAC Vintage Racing

2002 BARC Grand Prix of Ontario

The following pictures of VARAC racers were taken by Sharleen Pratt at the BARC Grand Prix of Ontario, held on April 27-28, 2002. The Winter scenes were taken by Ron Wanless.

Savannah Vintage Races

2001 Savannah Vintage Races

The following pictures of VARAC racers were taken by Bob Harrington at the Savannah vintage event earlier this Spring. A full resport on this event, written by Keith Burnett, may be found in the May/June 2001 issue of The Vintage Racer.

Mosport 1967

1967 Mosport

The following pictures were taken at Mosport in 1967 by Van Worsdale and John Ford, and scans from the 1967 Player’s press pack.