Become a VARAC Member
VARAC membership is open to anyone who shares our desire to preserve, restore, race, or just watch historically important cars. Membership is available for $50 per year.
VARAC also issues a Vintage Motorsport Council (VMC) license, which allows qualified drivers to participate in VARAC-only events such as the VARAC Vintage Grand Prix, as well as certain vintage events elsewhere. The VMC License application is an additional $25 per year. [NOTE: a VMC license is NOT accepted at regional race weekends. A full CASC-OR race license (or equivalent) is required to participate on VARAC grids at regional race weekends.]
For full details on the VMC license, click here to download our VMC license FAQ.
To join or renew your membership, and/or apply for a VMC license, please submit your registration online which allows you to pay using Credit Card. [NOTE: The mailing address in your application MUST match the billing address for your credit card.]
Alternatively you can print off our membership form and submit with cheque via mail.
Any questions related to membership may be directed to Ed Luce, the VARAC Membership Director, at [email protected]
For a good introduction to Vintage Racing and becoming a race car driver, download So You Want to be a Race Car Driver by Walter Davies