July 2011 Vintage Racer

July 2011 Vintage Racer

The post 2011 Festival edition of the Vintage Racer was released today, 6th July 2011.

In this feature packed edition, Jeremy Sale, our Editor, brings us stories from the 2011 Festival and some of the cars that were there, as well as an interesting article on Racing 50 years ago.

Finally, there’s an article on VARAC Member, and Indy Racer, James Hinchcliff, who is racing at the Toronto Indy this coming weekend.

You can download your copy HERE.

Pit Signals May 2011

Jeremy Sale and Walter Davies have just finished putting the final touches to the latest “Pit Signals” – chock full of pics. From the BEMC weekend and with a great story from Joe of his trip to Infineon Raceway.

You can download your copy HERE

May 2011 Vintage Racer

Vintage Racer Magazine is available online.



In this edition of the Vintage Racer we take a look back at the 1967 Sundown Grand Prix. Reading an old account it struck me how many VARAC types were involved in the event who are still involved with racing today. A couple of them have sons who are now racing. Th e Sundown Grand Prix was once won by no less a racing fi gure than Roger Penske.

This was long before anyone realized that there could be something richer than a millionaire that began with the letter B. In 1960 winners Peter Ryan and Roger Penske took home $800. Other notable winners include Al Pease, Eppie Wietzes and Craig Fisher, George Eaton, Maurice Carter and Nat Adams, Ludwig Heimrath and others.

And there’s more! So enjoy! And your comments and contributions are always welcomed.


Jeremy Sale

For the full document please check and download from here

February 2011 Vintage Racer

Vintage Racer Magazine is available online.


Dreossi at Goodwood! (AND Spa AND Brands Hatch!)
Vic’s Pics from 2010. Plus: Mustang Round Up!
Canada Class Mystery Car! And more!

For the full document please check and download from here