Become a VARAC Member

VARAC membership is open to anyone who shares our desire to preserve, restore, race, or just watch historically important cars. Membership is available for $50 per year.

VARAC also issues a Vintage Motorsport Council (VMC) license, which allows qualified drivers to participate in VARAC-only events such as the VARAC Vintage Grand Prix, as well as certain vintage events elsewhere.  The VMC License application is an additional $25 per year.   [NOTE: a VMC license is NOT accepted at regional race weekends.  A full CASC-OR race license (or equivalent) is required to participate on VARAC grids at regional race weekends.]

For full details on the VMC license, click here to download our VMC license FAQ.

To join or renew your membership, and/or apply for a VMC license, please submit your registration online which allows you to pay using Credit Card.  [NOTE: The mailing address in your application MUST match the billing address for your credit card.]

Alternatively you can print off our membership form and submit with cheque via mail.

Any questions related to membership may be directed to Ed Luce, the VARAC Membership Director, at

For a good introduction to Vintage Racing and becoming a race car driver, download So You Want to be a Race Car Driver by Walter Davies