2018 VARAC AGM and Awards

Attention Club Ford and F1200 Drivers – NEW from VARAC

NEW for the 2019 Regional Racing Season:

VARAC, the Vintage Automobile Racing Association of Canada,  will allow Club Fords (Formula Fords built up to 1981) and F1200 (Formula Vees) from any era to run on the Vintage Historic grids at CASC-OR regional race weekends. 

Many people are not aware that VARAC consists of three distinct groups of cars including Vintage Historic (sedans and sports cars built up to 1972), Classic (race cars built up to 1998), and Formula Classic (open wheeled race cars built up to 1998). 

For the last few years we have allowed Vintage Historic Formula Fords, as well as Vintage Historic Formula Vees to run on the VH grid at regional events so that they didn’t have to run on the Formula Libre grid.  Starting in 2019 we are extending this permission to Formula Fords built up to 1981 and to any Formula 1200 car.  The reasoning is quite simple.  First, both of these types of cars fit quite well for size, weight and speed with our VH cars.  Second, many of the drivers of these cars have decided to “park them” rather than run on the Formula Libre grid.  Having already made the exception for the our older cars, it was easy for our membership to extend the exception to Club Fords and Formula Fords. 

There is one catch – you will need to JOIN VARAC to run on our grid…

We are hoping that we can attract enough Formula Classic cars to join VARAC that at least three or four times a year we’ll be able to support a grid of their own.  In 2019, Formula Classic will have their own grid at the the VARAC Vintage Grand Prix June 13-16, and at the (VARAC members only) 40th Anniversary of Our First Event being held August 17.  If we can attract enough cars we will also ask CASC-OR to give Formula Classic a grid at Celebration, Oct 5-6, but that will depend on entries.

If you have a Club Ford or a F1200 and you would like to find out more about these changes please send me an e-mail at ted.michalos@varac.ca.  

We’re looking forward to the 2019 racing season – see you at the track!

November 2018 Pit Signals

The October 2018 edition of Pit Signals by Jeremy Sale is available.

Click here to download your copy.